Where can i find the building instructions?

There will be a scannable QR code in the product packaging. If there is an issue, please send us an email with your order number and a photo, so our team can send you the instruction digitally!

There are missing/defective pieces, what can i do?

While extremely rare, there may be cases in which the product sets are missing pieces. If this happens, please contact our support team with your order #, picture of your unfinished car, and screenshots for the pieces you are missing. We will coordinate the next steps with you directly so you can complete the set!

Where is my package?

We use multiple different carriers, but each order will have a tracking # you can use to check the progress of your order. Please note that our average shipping time is 7-15 days, but this will vary based on location. Please see our Shipping Policy for more information

Can I change my shipping address?

This may be possible in the first 24 hours, so please contact us as soon as possible. If the order has been shipped, we cannot change the address, so it will be delivered to the original address used at checkout. Please note that we do not offer refunds for orders that were shipped to the wrong location.

What is our Return/Exchange policy?

Please note our Return/Refund Policy for all details.

Will there be new models added?

Yes, we are constantly expanding our product catalogue to include more of your favorite vehicles! If you'd like to request a specific model, please Contact Us and we'll keep a note of your feedback :)